"E Pluribus Unum Verbum"

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Rio Grande Old Party [ree-oh grand ohld pahr-tee]
noun (Rio Grande River, Grand Old Party)

- The current effort to transform the Republican Party into something more palatable to our neighbors to the south, especially in regard to support of immigration reform.

 Usage: “After constantly confusing fellow Republican Senator Marco Rubio for his valet, Republican leaders have urged Senator Jon Kyl to move toward a ‘Rio Grande Old Party’ and away from the traditionally white GOP.”
Obamination [oh-bah-muh-ney-shuh n]

1. (Obama, abomination) President Obama’s policies from the viewpoint of the Republican party, regarding a wide range of matters such as homosexuality, abortion, and taxes.

 Usage: “Did you hear Obama supports gay marriage? Such an Obamination.”

2. (Obama, nomination) A government official appointed by the Obama Administration that is subject to the approval of the Senate

 Usage: “Susan Rice could replace Hillary Clinton as the biggest Obamination of all!”

Christieanity [kris-tee-an-i-tee]
noun (Chris Christie, Christianity)

- The small but growing Republican cult committed to the election of the portly President Chris Christie

 Usage: “The teachings of Christieanity 20:12 tell us that as Hurricane Sandy made landfall in Atlantic City, NJ, Governor Christie rose up and turned back the Superstorm with rotund spending reductions and tax cuts.”

Monday, December 3, 2012

Reerection [ree-ih-rek-shuh n]
noun (reelection, erection)

1. The heightened state of sexual arousement experienced by many liberals following President Barack Obama’s victory over Republican challenger Mitt Romney.  
2. Asian Dialect. see “reelection”

 Usage: “If reerection lasts longer than four years, contact your local physician”

Sunday, December 2, 2012

The Grover Norquisition [groh-ver Nawr-kwuh-zish-uh n]
noun (Grover Norquist, The Spanish Inquisition)

- The threat of conservative lobbyist Grover Norquist to campaign against, remove funding from, and eviscerate any Member of Congress who defies his Taxpayer Protection Pledge. Similar to the Spanish Inquisition, Norquist seeks to root out all of those less orthodox in their anti-tax stances by boiling them in oil.

 Usage: “Nobody expects the Grover Norquisition! Unless you defy his Taxpayer Protection Pledge. In which case you absolutely should.”


Grover Norquist on Republicans Turning Against No-Tax Pledge

Grover Norquist is Winning

Secastration [see-kas-trey-shuh n]
noun (sequestration, castration)

- The threat of economic emasculation in the event that President Obama capitulates to Republican demands to retain current Bush tax cuts for the wealthy.

  Usage: The Washington Post reports that President Obama has experienced a sudden shift from baritone to tenor following the Republican party's secastration of the executive office.